Monday, August 11, 2008

Categori dari Crane

Labour regulation : art. R.233.13.19 and Dectee of 02/12/98 Obtained the caces - 9 CNAM R377- R383 - R390 )

Operasi dari tower crane, mobil crane,.....

  • Top slewing crane (gme)
  • Self erecting crane ( gma )
  • Luffing Jib top slewing crane (gme)
  • self erecting crane ( gma )
  • truck mounted lattice boom crane----category 1a
  • lattice boom mobile crane------------category 1a
  • truck mounted telescopic crane------category 1b
  • mobile telescopic crane--------------category 1b
  • latice boom crawler crane------------category 2a
  • telestopic crawler crane--------------category 2b
  • rail mounted lattice boom crane------category 2c
  • truck loading hydroulic crane ----GCAV

maaf untuk gambar belum dapat di upload...
apabila ada saran dan tambahan mohon untuk dishare..
terima kasih..
safety first

persyaratan sistem manajemen lingkungan, Kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja


1. Aspek Lingkungan ( ISO 14001;2004 )
Identifikasi bahaya, penilaian risiko dan penentuan pengendalian ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007)

2. Persyaratan Hukum dan persyaratan lainnya ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
Persyaratan Hukum dan persyaratan lainnya ( OHSAS 18001:2007 )

3. Tujuan, sasaran dan program ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
Tujuan dan program ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )


1. Sumberdaya, peran, tanggung jawab, wewenang ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )

Sumberdaya, peran, tanggung jawab, wewenang akuntabilitas ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

2. Kompetansi, pelatihan dan kepedulian ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
Kompetansi, pelatihan dan kepedulian ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

3. Komunikasi ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
Komunikasi, partipasi,dan konsultasi ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

4. Dokumentasi ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
Dokumentasi ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

5. Pengendaliam Dokumen ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
pengendalian dokumen ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

6. Pengendalian Operasional ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
pengendalian operasional ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

7. persiapan dan tanggap darurat ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
persiapan dan tanggap darurat ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )


1.Pemantauan dan pengukuran ( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
pengukuran dan pemantauan kinerja ( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

2.evaluasi kepatuhan( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
evaluasi kepatuhan( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

3.ketidaksesuaian, tindakan perbaikan dan tindakan pencegahan( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
investigasi insiden, ketidaksesuaian, tindakan perbaikan, tindakan pencegahan( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

4.pengendalian rekaman( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
pengendalian rekaman( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

5. audit internal( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
audit internal( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

6.tinjauan manajemen( ISO 14001 : 2004 )
tinjauan manajemen( OHSAS 18001 : 2007 )

ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001 mensyaratkan bahwa organisasi harus menetapkan, medokumentasikan, mengimplementasikan, memelihara, dan meningkatkan secara berkesinambungan sistem manajemen lingkungan dan K3 sesuai dengan persyaratan persyaratan standart internasional ini dan menentukan bagaimana organisasi ini akan memenuhi persyaratan ini.

sehingga sistem manajemen terdokumentasi dan implementasi harus dilakukan secara konsisten bentuk ini dapat dilihat ada tidaknya satu manual, SOP ( Standart Opertion Procedure), Instruksi Kerja maupun check list....

tolong dikoreksi bila terjadi kesalahan

safety first

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Integrasi ISO 14001: 2004 dan OHSAS 18000:2007

1.1 Ruang lingkup
Standar internasional ISO 14001:2004 dan OHSAS 18001;2007 ini disusun berdasarkan metodologi yang dikenal sebagai Plan Do Check Action ( PDCA) Dimana diuraikan sebagai berikut:
  • Plan : menetapkan sasaran dan proses yang diperlukan untuk memberikan hasil yang sesuai dengan kebijakan lingkungan dan atau kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja organisasi
  • Do : mengimplementasikan proses
  • Check : memonitor dan mengukur proses terhadap kebijakan lingkungan, sasaran, target, persyaratan hukum dan melaporkan hasilnya
  • aCT : mengambil tindakan untuk meningkatkan kinerja sisitem manajemen lingkungan secara berkesinambungan
1.1.1 Ruang lingkup ISO 14001;2004
Standart internasional ini menetapkan persyaratan untuk sistem manajemen lingkungan agar organisasi dapat mengembankan dan mengimplementasikan suatu kebijakan dan sasaran.mengingat akan persyaratan hukum dan persyaratan lainnya dimana organnisasi menganut informasi mengenai dampak lingkungan yang signifikan.

standar ini dapat digunakan untuk organisasi yang berkehendak untuk:
  • menetapkan, mengimplementasikan, memelihara dan meningkatkan SML
  • menjamin diri dalam kesesuaian terhadap kebijakan lingkungan yang dinyatakan
  • menunjukkan kesesuaian dengan standart internasional ini dengan
    • membuat detrminasi dan deklerasi
    • mencari informasi dan kesesuain antara pihak yang mempunyai keperntingan dalam organisasi
    • mencari konfirmasi terhadap deklerasinya dengan satu pihak di luar organisasi
    • mendapatkan sertifikasi atas sistem ini
1.1.2 Ruang lingkup OHSAS 18001 ; 2007

OHSAS Menyatakan persyaratan SMK3, agar organisasi mampu mengendalikan resiko K3 dan meningktakan kinerjanya tapi bila kita lihat menurut saya secara spesifik tidak menyatakan kriteria kinerja ataupun persyaratan dalam merancang sistemnya

persayaratan ini dapat diaplikasikan kepada organisasi yang berniat untuk:
  • membuat SMK3
  • menerapkan, memelihara, meningkatkan SMK3
  • Memastikan kesesuainya dengan kebijakan K3 yang ditetapkan
  • memperlihatkan kesesuain dengan persyaratan standart ohsas dengan
    • membuat deklarasi, atau suatu determinasi sendiri
    • mencari konfirmasi atas kesesuainnya dengan para pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan
    • mencari konfirmasi atas deklerasinya
    • mendapatkan sertifikasi atas SMK3 dari organisasi eksternal


TObe continued.....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

8 Golden Safety Rules

The following safety rules will be strictly enforced to ensure the safety of our people and our communities.

Although embedded in each of these rules, it is important to emphasize that:

  • Work will not be conducted without a pre-job risk assessment and a safety discussion appropriate for the level of risk.
  • All persons will be trained and competent in the work they conduct.
  • Personal protection equipment will be worn as per risk assessment and minimum site requirements.
  • Emergency response plans, developed from a review of potential emergency scenarios, will be in place before commencement of work.
  • Everyone has an obligation to stop work that is unsafe.


1. Permit To Work

Before conducting work that involves confined space entry, work on energy systems, ground disturbance in locations where buried hazards may exist or hot work in potentially explosive environments, a permit must be obtained that:

  • Defines scope of work
  • Identifies hazards and assesses risk
  • Establishes control measures to eliminate or mitigate hazards
  • Links the work to other associated work permits or simultaneous operations
  • Is authorized by the responsible person(s)
  • Communicates above information to all involved in the work
  • Ensures adequate control over the return to normal operations
2. Energy Isolation

Any isolation of energy systems; mechanical, electrical, process, hydraulic and others, cannot proceed unless;

  • The method of isolation and discharge of stores energy are agreed and executed by a competent person(s)
  • Any stored energy is discharged
  • A system of locks and tags is utilized at isolation points
  • A test is conducted to ensure the isolation is effective
  • Isolation effectiveness is periodically monitored
Are you trained and competent to perform this work? You have an obligation to stop the work if it’s unsafe.

3. Confined Space entry

Entry into any confined space cannot proceed unless:

      • All other options have been ruled out

      • Permit is issued with authorization by a responsible person(s)

      • Permit is communicated to all affected personnel and posted, as required

      • All persons involved are competent to do the work

      • All sources of energy affecting the space have been isolated

      • Testing of atmospheres is conducted, verified and repeated as often as defined by the risk assessment

      • Stand-by person is stationed

      • Unauthorized entry is prevented
4.Working at Heights

Working at heights of 2 meters (6 feet) or higher above the ground cannot proceed unless:

· A fixed platform issued with guard or hand rails, verified by a competent person(s) or

· Fall arrest equipment is used that is capable of supporting at least a 2275 kg (500 lbs) static load per person and has:
  • A proper anchor mounted, preferably overhead
  • Full body harness using double latch self locking snap hooks at each connection
  • Synthetic fiber lanyards
  • Shock absorber
· Fall arrest equipment will limit free fall to 2 meters (6 feet) or less

· A visual inspection of the fall arrest equipment and system is completed and any equipment that is damaged or has been activated is taken out of service.

· Person(s) are competent to perform the work

5.Lifting Opertion

Lifts utilising cranes, hoists, or other mechanical lifting devices will not commence unless:

  • An assessment of the lift has been completed and the lift method and equipment has been determined by a competent person(s)
  • Operators of powered, lifting devices are trained and certified for the equipment
  • Rigging of the load is carried out by a competent person(s)
  • Lifting devices and equipment has been certified for use within the last 12 months (at a minimum)
  • Load does not exceed dynamic and/or static capacities of the lifting equipment.
  • Any safety devices installed on lifting equipment are operational
  • All lifting devices and equipment have been visually examined before each lift by a competent person(s)
6.Management Of Changed

Work arising from temporary and permanent changes to organization, personnel, systems, process, procedures, equipment, products, materials or substances, and laws and regulations cannot proceed unless a Management of change process is completed, where applicable, to include:

  • · A risk assessment conducted by all impacted by the change
  • · Development of a work plan that clearly specifies the timescale for the
  • · Equipment, facilities and process
  • · Operations, maintenance, inspection procedures
  • · Training, personnel and communication
  • · Documentation
  • · Authorisation of the work plan by the responsible person(s) through completion
7. Driving

Any person driving a vehicle (Car, Motor Cycle, Forklift, Heavy Goods Vehicle, Mobile cranes or any other motorised road vehicle) belonging to or working for Assets shall:

      • Be driven by a qualified driver in possession of valid Thai/ International driving license.
      • Drivers of Fork lifts on site must be competent and adequately trained (Certificated).
      • Drivers of Heavy vehicles/ Mobile Cranes must have a valid Medical Certificate and appropriate permit to drive that type of vehicle.
      • Obey the Road Traffic Laws of Thailand.(i.e Speed Limits, rest periods, overloading, etc)
      • Ensure that the vehicle is mechanically sound prior to starting the journey (Daily Inspection) and is equipped with First Aid kit and serviceable Fire Extinguisher). Any defects are to be reported to your Supervisor and rectified.
      • Report all accidents to the Thai Police and to the Asset Manager immediately.
      • Obey all Amerada Hess (Thailand) Ltd Site/ Base Camp internal local road traffic rules , speed limits and parking regulations.

This defines basic procedures that will be followed to authorised trenching, burying, pile driving, and any other operations with potential to harm people by engulfment and damage to covered or buried cables and pipelines . Prior to excavation work being planned the following special considerations shall be met:

      • Verify no communication cables; electrical cables or pipelines are affected by the proposed activity
      • Excavations shall be guarded by barricades suitably designed, visible and marked for the intended purpose.
      • No power equipment excavation operation shall be permitted within ½ pipeline or cable location.
      • Personnel shall not enter excavations deeper than 1 meter unless egress and soil bank requirements are met.
      • The walls and faces of all excavations in which personnel are exposed to danger from moving ground shall be guarded by shoring, sloping or an equivalent means in accordance with applicable Thai/ International regulations.
      • Do not permit heavy vehicles (Mobile Cranes etc) close to the edge of the excavation as the weight of such vehicles can cause the excavation to collapse, burying people working there.
      • A Confined Space Entry Permit will be required when entering excavations deeper than 1 meter.

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